Adding your Calendar to

Here you will learn how to integrate your calendar to your account

Log into your Humaniz account using the registered email address to your account

On the left side of your screen, you will see a sidebar with numerous options. Please, select Settings, and then under Account you will select Calendar.

You can connect Google Calendar or Microsoft Calendar (Outlook) (If you would like to use an alternate calendar please contact your Account Manager for Calendly registration.)

Microsoft Login Screen Reference



Google Login Screen Reference

Once you login, please select Allow, to allow Humaniz access to your Calendar.

To assign your Phone Screen and Interview to your desired team member, look to the sidebar on your left hand side and select Settings>Company>Users. 

Here you will see a list of all your team members registered as contributors or admin on

On the right side of your screen, you will see a small arrow facing down. Click on that, and you will get a drop down list of options. Here you will be able to Change to Admin, Assign to Phone Screen, Assign to Interview, and Deactivate User.


To invite a new team member to your contributor list, simply enter their email address at the top of this screen under Invite New User. They will receive an email to register with a password shortly thereafter.